Ernie Barker taught high school art for 30 years. He holds a B.S. degree from Southern CT. and advanced degrees from C.C.S.U.
He has instructed Adult Education courses in Drawing and Ceramics, worked on drawings for a medical book, tutored home-bound students in various fields, and juries many regional art-shows.
He has had One-Man Shows at Farmington Woods Country Club, CT. Bank and Trust, Hartford, CT.; Millerton Library, NY; the Winsted Hospital, Winsted, CT., and The Gathering Place, Hartford, CT.. He was Artist in residence at Santarella Museum in Tyringham, MA. He is the author of three books.
Lori's work is an imitation of her life, an ongoing collage, deep with excitement and spiritual mysteries. As a Reiki and Shamballa Master and therapeutic touch practitioner there is always the desire to explore the other side of matter and to express what the artist inside sees.
Lori is a former teacher and graduate of Southern Conn. St. University
Further studies at Savannah College of Art and Design, Bennington College, and Omega Institute.
Solo exhibits in Connecticut include: Miranda Winery, Jerrum Winery, The UCONN Library, Norfolk Artisan's Gallery, Atelier Gallery in New Milford, Church House Concerts, Haddam, the Gathering Place, Hartford, and New Milford, Torrington, and Waterbury Hospitals, St. Mary’s Hospital in Waterbury and numerous libraries including the New Milford Library, Oliver Wolcott Library in Litchfield and the Hunt Library in Falls Village.
Lori’s one-woman shows in other states include the Santarella Museum in Tyringham, MA, and the Smith Gallery in Manchester, VT.
She was Artist in residence at Santarella Museum in Tyringham, MA.
Lori was featured in magazines including the Crafts Report , Artitude, Artella and on the covers of Reiki One and The Door Opener.
She exhibits her work in art and craft fairs throughout the year.
Lori won Best in Show and other prizes at numerous galleries and art events throughout New England including the Essex Art Association, the Norwich Arts, Milford Fine Arts show, Hillsdale festival, New Milford Fine Arts show, Hartford Riverfest, and Danbury Arts Fest
In June 2009, she was awarded the Museum of Contemporary Impressionism's award for excellence.
The "Path" is unique for everyone but everyone is an "Artist".
"Art is the outward expression of inner growth"